Without roots, unable to support the burden weighing on its back..
Without trunk, unable to withstand hardship from the harsh climates..
Without twigs, unable to spread out and embrace the world..
Without fruits, unable to share the sweetness of success..
Without seeds, unable to extend the timeline of the trees..
Without leaves, unable to survive from the lack of nutrition..
Human beings are like trees. The roots are wisdom as only reasonable thinking and intellect can help one release the mental stress one has accumulated over time. The trunk is endurance as only tolerance will get u far in life. The twigs are benevolence as only acceptance can bring world peace. The fruits are hard work as only by thriving on with determination can one enjoy the fruits of success. The seeds are kindness as only care and concern for others will ensure a happy life. The leaves are the survival instinct input in one as living in a world where survival of the fittest is the way, only constantly upgrading one's mindset can one be prepared for the future.
Thats about all. I think maybe it doesnt make sense at all to u. Haha.
I read about a comic today. I felt really touched by the characters. I think I can put a few pages of the comic here.

Well. The world is often infested by many evils. As the saying goes, 一种米养百种人. Yet we cannot forget the existence of the good people that are silently doing the right thing. I dare not say that I am a good person but I am working hard towards achieving this goal. Hope for the best...
Sha Zi.
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