Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Last and Final Post.
This will be the last and final post that I'll be doing before ChunStories get deleted... As the original idea of creating this blog was to write out my own articles to be posted on this blog, I have slowly improvise this blog into writing stuff that I more preferbably like. I started writing Shi Xiong Di as I liked that show very much when it aired on television. I wanted to write new stories that are totally different but as the days goes by I started writing bio-graphies of the ten brothers. It can be said to be plagarised mentally but physically I was typing out the original storylines based on a whole new concept and my own style of writing. After doing all of the Shi Xiong Di biography articles, I started to get abit lazy of writing so I thought to myself, why not add in videos and pictures to cover away my laziness. Reluctant to end this blog, I continually extended its timeline by adding in stuff that I thought could prove to be interesting. Theme Songs. Videos. Pictures. Slide Shows. Whatever that could be added I have already done so. But still I wasnt about to give up on ChunStories as I thought to myself maybe one day I will find the hardwork and inspiration to start writing again. But for a long time my inspiration flow was dead until I discovered a topic that I used to be so mesmerised with when I was a fatty. Food. I wanted to write many articles introducing many delicious delicacies that could be found in Singapore. At first I was really into it but alas, my laziness took control of me and then I started the videos and pictures tactic again. As time passes, the pictures and videos have lost their charm and so I thought to myself I need to have a new topic or ChunStories is gonna be dead again. As Im usually interested in watching rather interesting shows, I wonder to myself. Why not do reviews on movies that I simply like? This was a stiking innovative idea that could extend the timespan of ChunStories and even relive its past glory. Wahahaha. Failed Attempt. Yet again. To Laziness. My arch rival that lives within me, constantly fighting with me every second against my resistance to temptation and thus lures me to succumb to this devious sin. The articles that I wrote on Movies are partly copied down from summaries that are already available from the synopsis of the movie at some websites. I did though write out extended versions of the original as the source provided are too limited and restricted. It provided ChunStories with abit more health to survive in the harsh context forcibly encripted unto it. Finally. This blog has drag on long enough and its time period of sustainability has been expensed. With a few more words of goodbye this blog is officially dead upon the finale. The... End...
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Movie of the year - Bedtime Stories
Alright I still have a few of these pictures also. I just put the nicest.

Okok. I know ur thinking that Im going crazy again. But I feel like telling a joke. Haha here it goes. Its in chinese though.
Hahaha. I saw it on a variety show so it was a few times funnier because when the host impersonated 东东 he did a very pitiful look. Kk thats about all. ^_^
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Shi Xiong Di Quiz

Saturday, 13 December 2008
Shi Xiong Di Versions.
This post is for the other versions of Shi Xiong Dis. There's a cartoon version and a movie version.
Lao Fu Zi Cartoon Version
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Movie Version
Part 1
Hmms. I think I can only find these two versions so far. Any further updates I will post it here.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Farewell. Maybelline.

Next is Rolley Balley!
Then there is domo-kun! Ok I cant resist. Haha
Last But Not Least. Bon Voyage. Have a safe and fun trip!
Well. That kinda concludes this post. I would have put hello kitty and jing xiang's pictures but I know u already have tons of those so maybe U'll get sick of it. Haha. Have Fun. And Farewell!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Nice Movie. Cape No. 7

More than 60 years after the teacher left Kojima Tomoko, Aga is introduced as a struggling young Hengchun-native rock band singer who could not find success in Taipei. After returning to his hometown, Aga's step father, the Town Council Representative, arranged a position for him as a postman, replacing the senile Uncle Mao, on leave after a motorcycle accident broke his leg. One day Aga comes across an undeliverable piece of mail that was supposed to be returned to the post office: the daughter of the now deceased Japanese teacher has decided to mail the unsent love letters to Taiwan after discovering them. Aga unlawfully keeps and opens the package to discover its contents, but the old Japanese-style address Cape No. 7, Hengchun County, Takao Prefecture could no longer be found.
Meantime a local resort hotel inside Kenting National Park is organizing a beach concert featuring Japanese pop singer Kousuke Atari, but Aga's step father makes use of his official position to insist that the opening band be composed of locals. Tomoko, an over-the-hill Mandarin-speaking Japanese fashion model dispatched to Hengchun, is assigned the difficult task of managing this hastily assembled band, led by Aga along with six other locals of rather particular backgrounds. After a frustrating trial period Aga and Tomoko unexpectedly begin a relationship. With some assistance from hotel maid Mingchu, Tomoko helps Aga find Kojima Tomoko, the rightful recipient of the seven love letters. Aga then returns to the beach resort and performs a highly successful concert with this local band and Kousuke Atari.
This movie is mainly about 7 very different personalities gathering together so as to perform as a band to prove that the Hengchun County still has talented performers. Aga, the first main character is a very headstrong loner who is the lead singer of the band. He despised the other members of the band at first as he thought that their music background was not as solid as his. He then slowly opened up to the rest of the members and enjoyed the performance of the whole band. Tomoko, the second main character of the show is the manager of the band and she does not performs with the rest of the group. She nearly gave up on the band after seeing how scattered and untrained the band was. She too like Aga, slowly begin to understand the band better and enjoyed their performance at the end. Uncle Mao, the third main character of the band is the local postman. He is also the yueqinist, bassist and tambourineist in the band, close to 80 years old. Proud of having his talents with the yueqin referred to as a "National Treasure" and desperate to perform in any capacity possible. Rauma, the fourth main character of the band is the local policeman.He is Short-tempered and has the Rukai Tribe origin; guitarist in the band. Abandoned by his wife as he neglected her when he was in the Swat team. Frog, the fifth main character of the band is the worker in a local motorcycle shop and the drummer in the band. He is in love with his employer's wife even though she is married and has 3 kids. Malasun, the sixth main character of the band is an alcohol salesman of Hakka origin from nearby Baoli Village, Checheng Township. He is the bassist in the band and was introduced by Uncle Mao to join the band when his talent was discovered. Dada, the last band member of the group is a 10-year-old girl who plays piano in local church, thus she is the keyboardist in the band. These 7 people have constructed a very solid bonding between each of them as the goal of the band is to perform and do taiwan proud regardless of their job, age, sex and musical background.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Tribute to 十兄弟
Friday, 28 November 2008
Special Post.
Shi Xiong Di episode 18. Special Request For Maybelline. Hope she likes it.
Shi Xiong Di Episodes
Shi Xiong Di Episode 1
Shi Xiong Di Episode 2
Shi Xiong Di Episode 3
Shi Xiong Di Episode 4
Shi Xiong Di Episode 5
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
The Break
As everyone can see, the introductory of Shi Xiong Di has finally been done from Lao Da to Xiao Shi. So from now on, the author, ChunTheGreat is conceptualizing about his future writing career. So, readers, be prepared to be amazed by my new works. Alright, who am I kidding? The only reader here is probably only me. And Maybelline the Sha Zi. So Im gonna do something abit different this time. Be away with the customaries and behold the wonderful special chapter that I am doing. Alright. For this exclusive article that I’m doing, I’ll be doing some food commentaries. Hope the READER likes it as much as I do.
Firstly, there’s Paus. They are also known as Chinese Buns as they first originated in China for over a millennium ago. Made with the finest superlite flour, Paus are made to be soft and fluffy yet firm enough to hold fillings in it even though there are also plain types like Mantous. Currently, Paus are classified under two types. The Salty types and the Sweet types. For people with a heavier taste, they will prefer the salty types as the Paus mainly contain meat so as to give the Paus a more savory taste. Chicken Pau, Cha Siew Pau, Da Pau are few of the more famous Paus that commonly belong to the Salty region. Regarding the Sweet types, people who prefer a more refined taste will go for them as these Paus are usually made into exquisite shapes. A wider range of Sweet types are available as they are considered to be healthier than the Salty types. Lotus Paste Pau, Red Bean Paste Pau, Kaya Pau, Yam Paus and all kinds of fruit-flavored Paus are seen and noticeable everywhere due to their commodity and good taste.
Below are some pictures of the Paus.

Secondly, there are noodles. There are all kinds of noodles that ranged from the flavors to the shapes and sizes they consist of. One can determine that a professional chef is able to produce a huge variety of noodles by using just wheat and flour with his fine workmanship. Ban Mian, You Mian, Mee Hoon Kwey is a few slightly more popular choices also compared to much more. Adding egg is also an essential ingredient as it serves as a base to give the noodles a whole new texture and flavour. Mee pok, You Mee are the more famous choices around Singapore. Changing the color of the noodle also totally gives it a whole new perspective. White noodles are not a rare sight as Mee Tai Bak, Chu Mee Fen, Mee Fen, Mian Xian, Dong Fen are seen by many everywhere and are a yummy feast to them. Brown noodles are also rather renowned as E Mee and Hokkien Mee are also eaten by many everywhere. Noodles are said to be regarded by many as an important aspect in their life and they cannot live without it. As noodles also originate from China, the customs of eating noodles are widespread all over the world over the ages. Udon from Japan, Mee Goreng from Malaysia are just a few examples of how noodles are eaten everywhere over the world.
Below are a few pictures of the noodles.

Alright. This kinda concludes my post. Hope that my inspiration will be ever-flowing and I can publish more of my work to interested readers. Be sure to return to get the latest view of my articles! :)
Monday, 24 November 2008
Xiao Shi – Da Ku Shi

Xiao Shi – Da Ku Shi
Xiao Shi is just like any average cute little boy on the surface, but he has a unique ability, which is the skill to produce a large quantity of water due to his tears each time he cries. Unknown to many of his brothers, Xiao Shi actually possess the ability of foresight as each time a mysterious phenomenon is approaching, Xiao Shi will automatically weep dramatically. Due to his prediction, he has alerted his family many times whenever a certain brother is in a dangerous predicament. Due to the fact that many of his brothers didn’t know about his ability of sensing catastrophe, they often regarded him to be as useless as Lao Ba before they discovered about Lao Ba’s underground traveling skill. Xiao Shi’s skill is thus being underrated as just pure crying and disturbance. It has also been noticed that Xiao Shi has the ability to purify himself as he is able to neutralize the poison in his body by crying dark tears. It is also possible that Xiao Shi’s tears has healing elements within it that can get rid of illnesses and diseases by cleansing the toxics in the body by simply shedding tears along with the venom. The flow of tears will be everlasting if Xiao Shi intentionally sobs for long periods of time, causing large puddles of water everywhere around him that practically deals no harm to others. It might be more of a bother towards them as they will have to clean up after Xiao Shi each time he cries and may also get wet directly if they maintain too close of a contact with him.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Xiao Shi is the main character.
Currently at the age of a small boy, Xiao Shi is the most adored brother by the parents as he is still a child. He is taken care of by both his 娘 and Lao Ba at home as his 爹爹 has to work so as to support the family while the rest of the brothers will help 爹爹 or do errands so as to contribute to the family’s income. Xiao Shi was recruited into the street artiste troupe along with Lao Si for a certain period of time so that they will help reduce the family burden and also learn skills for surviving in the society. But after the cruel ringleader left, the troupe was taken over by the biggest disciple of the ringleader and used as a platform for earning a living. Xiao Shi was then able to live back at home with his family rather back being forced to be stuck in the troupe by the cruel ringleader previously. He was also freed from the cruel ringleader’s malice which he suffered from and cried for many days about. Usually Xiao Shi will just cry for no particular reason by throwing tantrums and he is after all the youngest amongst the brothers. He will then have to be coaxed by his 娘 so that he will regain the innocent smile of his again. Xiao Shi is regarded to be the apple of the family’s eye as all of the brothers treats him extra nicely due to his 天真无邪. His cute personality also brings joy to the people around him except for the times when he cries and causes a disturbance. Currently his brothers are in a tough fight against the Marshall. Things are looking grim for the brothers as their family is broken up due to the betrayal of Lao Er and Lao San. Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Friday, 21 November 2008
Lao Jiu – Da Kou Jiu

Attached with a gigantic mouth, Lao Jiu is able to blow out mighty gusts of wind that is powerful enough to tear apart houses. He first concentrates a significant amount of power by breathing in enough air and then by releasing all of the air at once, he creates enough force to even lift people off the ground and throw them distances apart from their original position. The time he takes to gather air is rather long due to the fact that he is going to burst out stronger blast of air in comparison with the air that he has harnessed. He can basically produce tornados and whirlwinds with the simple task of releasing all the air that he has gathered, that is able to destroy by causing chaos and destruction in a split moment the twister is on the rampage. The combat power of his ability can be said to be the strongest as it deals the largest area of effect damage to the targets that he has set on. It is flawed in a sense that it has too long of a delay due to his long casting time by sucking in incredible amounts of air. His face will look distorted momentarily due to the instantaneously huge amount of air he sucked in that will blow up his cheeks to an absurd size. His lips will also swell up though his mouth is the main component of the containment of his power. During the process when Lao Jiu was able to gain his power, his lips was permanently swelled up which resulted in him unable to converse with people as he couldn’t open his mouth. When he gained his power, he totally recovered and became more affluent with not only his extraordinary ability but also his skill to communicate with people.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Jiu is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Jiu has been blessed with a big mouth that protrudes his personality of being all loud and happy. He is normally the most talkative out of all the brothers yet he is also a very filial child towards both his godparents and his natural parents. After gaining his special power, Lao Jiu has helped his brothers in resolving many sticky situations. He also proved to be a great help informing people with details as he can produce loud voices that can travel long distances. He also possesses another special skill which is his gift of the tongue. With his 三寸不滥之舌, Lao Jiu often resolves many crises with his persuasive speeches. He is also able to coax his foster parents, who in turn became his godparents, into returning him back to his biological parents. His soothing words often calm down his brothers from panicky circumstances as he gives comments that are music to the ears. Practicability of his opinions may not be as sensible as Lao Da’s advices yet he is able to charm his brothers due to his charismatic talks. Lao Jiu not only has a combat usage for his mouth but also a more down-to-earth usability for sweet-talking hawkers into giving him extra discounts. Due to Lao Jiu’s sweet and silly personality, he is often praised by his parents for being a big help and also his filial piety. Currently the brothers are facing different health problems as the condition of their bodies are going haywire due to an unknown reason. Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Lao Ba – Dun Di Ba

Lao Ba – Dun Di Ba
Controlling the power to vanish instantaneously and reappear in a different location in a short amount of time, Lao Ba has the ability to travel underground. Dissimilar with the rest of the brothers, Lao Ba does not require the empowerment of his body parts to use his skill. He was even considered to be powerless for a considerable amount of time before he accidentally initiated his special talent and created a different dimension beneath the ground. His ability to trek through the floor is not to literally destroy components of the floor but instead to open up a third-world portal existing between the different time zones. He is also able to bring along a significant amount of people along with him but still it all relies on his will whether he allows them to follow him into the gateway or not. As Lao Ba has to run around in circles on the same spot to commence his ability, he will suffer side-effects of giddiness while traveling underground which makes him oblivious to his surroundings. He will then be unable to control his skill with ease, appearing earlier above ground than he had expected which shows his inadequacy with the compatibility of his talent. Lao Ba’s ability is useful in escaping from enemies and traveling through obstacles aboveground. When the day comes when Lao Ba masters his talent, he will be able to journey at will freely underground and prove to be beneficial in helping his brothers in escaping from dire situations.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Ba is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Ba has been taken notice of by others to be the most average brother. During his brothers’ transformations to become supernatural human beings, only Lao Ba remained normal on the outside. Each brother then gain abilities in comparison to the body parts that they possess which shows off their forte. Lao Ba was actually very disappointed when he thought he was the most normal brother due to him having no exact change on the exterior. But as he loved his brothers very much, he took care of them when they were weak and fragile due to the mutation with tender loving care. On the same exact date, all of the brothers miraculously recovered and gained special powers. Many of the brothers neglected Lao Ba’s concern during the darkest periods of their life and even teased him that he does not own any unique superhuman ability. Due to Lao Ba’s naturally timid personality, he often swallowed down the humiliation forcefully and walked off to help with the family’s chores. Lao Ba cannot be of much help outside as his brothers will often leave him behind as they regard him to be more of a burden without any extraordinary ability. Thus, Lao Ba will stay home to help his mother with the chores including taking care of his other brothers if they were sick or unwell. Though Lao Ba does not explicitly shows it, he wished to be have super powers like the rest of his brothers so that they will regard him to be their equal and not just a burden to them. Heaven will always help those who deserve it. 黄天不负苦心人, Lao Ba discovered his special skill in the nick of time when he tried to save his brothers from a troublesome situation. He was even a casualty of war as he was shot in his leg due to him lagging behind so as to push his brothers to escape further. As the story goes on, the crisis has been stirred as the Evil Marshall has started to initiate the war that will soon befall upon the ten brothers. Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Lao Qi – Gao Jiao Qi

Holding the power to extend his legs at will, Lao Qi is able to grow to tremendous heights within split seconds. Concentrating a magical light upon his legs, Lao Qi will then be able to increase the length of his leg. Needless to say, Lao Qi’s ability out of the ten brothers is potentially the weakness as during his height enhancement, his legs are not protected from harm at all as they are merely extended. He is also vulnerable to falls easily if his centre of gravity is not stable as Lao San can easily topple him with his majestic strength. Lao Qi’s ability is currently being put to use for simple chores and some forms of information gathering. He can also travel long distances in short amounts of time as the height of his leg reduces the effort needed to move a certain amount of distance as compared to the average person. Lao Qi initially had difficulties controlling his power as his legs often grow to incredible stature without his acknowledgement. He will then be unable to cope with the sudden shift of altitude and tumble foolishly. For people with a slight height disadvantage, this skill may be a godsend to them as it will overcome their inferiority with the others and be a dream fulfilled for them.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Qi is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Qi have felt the strain on his legs as they often burden him even when he is walking. He senses that his legs might have an unknown abnormality that he is not aware of. As he grows up at an incredible speed like the rest of his brothers, his legs was actually secretly growing along with him with irregular paces too. Though normally Lao Qi’s legs appear to be as usual with the rest, they will suddenly burst and lengthen into a great loftiness without a slight notice. Often Lao Qi will still be unaware of his condition until when he realized that the ground looks far away from him. He will then be caught by surprise and loses his balance. Because of this condition, he once spilt night soil all over the place when he was doing a job with Lao Da. He then causes the whole family to clean up with him and he felt incredibly guilty as they were tired from working hard due to the family’s poor financial status. As Lao Qi later on manages to control his ability, he put his skill to good use and helps out the most in family chores as he is able to do a relative large amount of work due to his long legs. He is also able to sell all of the dessert soup in a short amount of time, helping out his 爹爹 earn decent income to support the family. Lao Qi often helps out with the chores; he does not usually interact with other people from the outside world much except for his brothers. Things all seem well. For now… Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Lao Liu – Tie Tou Liu

Using the natural hardness of his head, Lao Liu is able to demolish his targets easily with amazing accuracy. Similar to Lao San, to truly exert his potential, Lao Liu will first have to harness and concentrate his power into his head and then unleash it upon his aim. On a normal basis, Lao Liu’s head is already solid and sturdy enough to be able to defend him from attacks. Whenever he really wants to display his true prowess, golden light will be concentrated upon his head where momentarily the strength of his head will rise by incredible amounts of power. He is then practically invulnerable in the case of damage dealt to his head as he is able to repel them with a simple head butt. The injury may instead be dealt to the attacker as his head’s return damage may surplus the force of the assault. During a battle showdown, Lao Liu and Lao San have clashed by using their superhuman strength against each other respectively. Though there was no clear winner in the end, Lao San is not able to deal enough destruction to Lao Liu’s head therefore making resulting in Lao Liu having defending power as high as his attacking power. In combat terms, Lao Liu will have an advantage over the rest of his brothers as he 能攻能守. Lao Liu’s physique comprises more of a fatty therefore he may not be as athletically capable as the other brothers. His iron head ability will prove to be useful and serve him in times of need, be it defending his family or attacking bullies.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao San is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Liu has been born a fatty. As many people know, the life of a fatty is a tough and tedious road as I have personally experienced myself before. Due to the family’s poor financial background, the brothers often have to starve and live in a spoilt and broken-down hut. Due to Lao Liu’s body weight, starving for him is like going through the deepest section of hell. But as Lao Liu is as kindhearted and silly as Lao Wu, he often smiles it off and hope that his family will not have to suffer as much as him. He tried to look for a job and even willingly lowered his status as a human to be treated like a dog so that he is able to bring in an income for his family. Wherever his other brothers have difficulties agreeing with each other, Lao Liu always tries to mediate amongst them by giving silly comments. Even though Lao Da is the main negotiator between the brothers giving sensible advice, there are times when even Lao Da gets into an argument with Lao Si. Lao Liu will then calmly resolve the issue by giving dumb comments which people may call him stupid but it is just his personality showing out. Lao Liu also makes use of his ability, the iron head skill to perform with the street artist troupe so as to bring in earnings for the family and also to save them from disbanding. Lao Liu has displayed his skill countless time for the sake of good, earning him quite a favorable position amongst the brothers to call for help in times of dire straits. Things all seem well. For now… Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Monday, 17 November 2008
Lao Wu – Fei Tian Wu

Equipped with gigantic wings that sprout out of his back, Lao Wu is able to levitate by making use of the flight motion of his wings to fly in the air. Originally human levitation is impossible due to the fact that the mass and body of people are unsuited for flying as they do not have the necessary tools or equipment on their bodies to soar in the sky. As Lao Wu possesses the ability to spring out his wings whenever he pleases, he is able to maintain the body of an average person on a regular basis while in times of need, take advantage of his ability to fly. As normally shown, the wings that Lao Wu carries on his back have to be strong enough so as to support his weight entirely yet also be light enough so as to levitate as ease. The construction of his wings is solely based on a wide surface area so as to be able to fly whenever he waves his wings. The exoskeleton existing inside the wings also have to be hollow so as to remain light and feathery so that the wings themselves will not be a burden to Lao Wu when he is airborne. The feathers that are wrapped around the wings also have to be streamlined so as to allow air to follow in a single direction for maximum air thrust. Depending on the qualities of the feathers, in times of danger Lao Wu may be able to wrap himself inside of his wings, so as to protect himself from perilous elements that pose life-threatening danger. Due to Lao Wu’s natural kindness and innocence, his ability is often used to escape from Lao San’s bullying and also to help his other brothers in times of need. His ability is also more of a rescue type as he can easily save many lives and escape from menaces by soaring to higher grounds. Depending on the strength of his wings, he will be able to not only defend himself but also attack his enemies if required by controlling his wings as a weapon.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Wu is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Wu has been bullied the most among out of the other brothers. His naïve personality often lands him in sticky situations as he is too nice; people find it more of a tendency to terrorize him for the sake of their enjoyment. Yet Lao Wu remains as innocent and true to his heart, sometimes often wondering what he has done wrong to deserve such oppression. As he has a very forthcoming personality, his expression often shows easily his mood at times, be it happiness or timidity. Before Lao Wu is able to control his powers, his wings often appeared behind his back for no reason and scare him out of his wits. He even wondered to himself whether was he a 鸡妖 and tried desperately many times to get rid of his wings. Fortunately, he manages to control his wings later on and so he uses his skill for the sake of good. Currently Lao Wu works at the Evil Marshall house as a manservant as he is trying to earn a steady income so that he is able to help with the families’ financial difficulties. Working at the Evil Marshall’s house, he was constantly picked on by Lao San due to Lao San’s own amusement and cruelty. He was also bullied by Lao San due to his appearance resembling a chicken and also his silliness. After getting compatible with his ability, he managed to take revenge back on Lao San for all the injuries and humiliating experience Lao San has caused him. Things all seem well. For now… Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Lao Si – Mang Pi Si

Blessed with the body of a rubber man, Lao Si can easily stretch any part of his body at an alarming distance. Due to the resistance of rubber, Lao Si is practically 刀枪不入 as he is completely invulnerable as no weapons can deal harm to him. The elasticity of his skin lets him 伸缩自如, letting him be able to extend into a huge width or reduce into a tiny mass. This special ability is regarded as one of the strongest among the brothers as not only is it combat-wise; it is also useful in daily life routines. But to adapt to his trait, Lao Si must first undergo a full body mutation which makes him weak and frail at times. He is also unable to control the flexibility of his body and thus his arms go haywire and incapable of returning to his original shape after the lengthening. As the body parts which undergoes shape transmutation returns to original after awhile, it is unsure of whether Lao Si is able to permanently remain in the shape he prefers. The source of his power is due to the stretchiness of his skin so in actual fact only his skin is the component of his power. Lao Si is able to apply full-body binding techniques by wrapping his elongated arms or legs around his opponent’s body, disabling their movements. He is also able to extend his limbs to a certain distance before exerting force and applying damage to his opponents. The potential of Lao Si’s special ability is beyond boundaries and perhaps making the impossible achievable is even within the limits of his skill.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Si is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Si has always been more athletic and flexible than the rest of the brothers due to his natural born talent. To lessen burden the family’s financial situation, Lao Si and his brother have decided to join the street artistic troupe as the ringleader find that they have major potential in the industry. After bidding farewell to the family, Lao Si and his brother have trained exceptionally hard each day so as to live up to the ringleader’s expectations. Little did they know that the ringleader is a very cruel and heartless person who looks for every little excuse to torture them. Life was tough for them as they were often hungry and beaten up. Yet, Lao Si preserved as he did not want to worry his family when he found out that his 爹爹 was injured as the family have enough problems of their own. As Lao Si’s natural gymnastic abilities was rather awesome, the ringleader allowed him to perform as the lead artist. Just as things were looking grim enough, Lao Si all of a wonder felt weak and his skin turned stretchable. As he could not control his powers then, the ringleader displayed him and his brother later on as freak shows to make a profit for himself. Miraculously, Lao Si and the rest of his brothers recovered and he also adapted to his abilities. He teamed up with the rest of his brothers and chased the ringleader away so as to regain his freedom. Things all seem well. For now… Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Lao San – Da Li San

Armed with a pair of mighty fists, Lao San can easily demolish or carry large and heavy objects at ease. To truly exert his potential, Lao San will first harness and concentrate his power into his arms and then unleash it upon his targets. The pure brute strength that Lao San possess is definitely a useful skill as he can easily take down his opponents or transport items with little effort. But as he has been adopted by the Evil Marshall, he has been influenced into hurting innocent civilians, even his own brothers. Though Lao Er has stopped him in the nick of time from any further damage towards his own brothers, it has hardly salvaged the situation that he is still abusing his power for the sake of evil. As the saying 孔武有力 goes, Lao San’s superhuman strength could be used to 造福人群 instead of causing mass destruction due to misusage of his powers. Unlike Lao Da and Lao Er, his ability can be used in actual combat therefore giving him a notch above them in terms of battle. In the records of special abilities, often only titans and giants are blessed with uncanny super strength as their colossal size explains it all. Lao San instead has an average person build but his arms are unusually powerful. Often, only users possessing the 麒麟臂 can exert massive force by making use of its power. The condition is that users will suffer immense amount of pain in the arms for a certain period of time before they are compatible with it. Once attuned to it, users can simply focus their power to wield a tremendous amount of vigor to blast off targets.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao San is the main character.
Ever since being drifted away by a stream at a young age, Lao San has been adopted by the Evil Marshall when the nanny found him and his brother at the riverside. Compared to the other brothers, Lao San’s personality is more of a headstrong type of person who never gives in to others. As he was taken in by the Evil Marshall’s twisted way of thinking, he thought that beating up people with his mighty fists was a good way of punishing them for not listening to his commands. It resulted in him giving a devastating blow to his biological father, 爹爹 who ended up injured for many days. He also bullied his other brothers in many ways by causing not only physical harm to them but also mental damage in a sense of striking fear into them. Civilians who disobeyed his orders are also beaten up by him personally so that Lao San can show up his gift of super human strength. He also thought that he was making the Evil Marshall proud by collecting as much protection money as he could by bullying the community. But he will soon get his just deserts as the rest of his brothers’ powers have awakened as well, therefore he will not be able to intimidate them any further. Currently, he and Lao Er have been isolated from the rest of the brothers due to the fact that both of them have been separated from the rest at birth. But they will soon be assembled as little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Lao Er - Shun Feng Er

Lao Er – Shun Feng Er
Possessing the ability to hear the softest sounds at the furthest distance, Lao Er has often acquired misleading information unintentionally due to his incompatibility with his gift. Lao Er may not be deemed as sensible as Lao Da due to the fact that he is currently residing within the Evil Marshall’s place; but yet his conscience has not been blinded by the influence of the Evil Marshall’s teachings as he has been reasonably helping the other brothers by compensating their injuries or preventing his other evil brother from causing further damage to the other brothers. Like Lao Da, his skill is more of an information gathering technique rather than for actual combat usage. Yet his ability is flawed as he cannot control the information entering through his ears unlike Lao Da who can adapt to his foresight at ease after a period of hardship which strangely did not occur to Lao Er. Lao Da has once suffered permanent blindness so as to gain his eagle’s eye ability yet Lao Er just naturally gained his supernatural hearing abilities. But as the saying 道听图说 goes, the data collected might not be reliable unless it is from a confidential source. The fact that plain gossip will be mixed within the truth and has to be filter out brings out the weakness of this ability. Yet the sense of hearing itself is diminished by many due to the reality that silence is regarded to be serenity and inner peace in one’s soul. Therefore, the contradiction of the extension of such a troubled sense might not be as useful as it seems.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Er is the main character.
Ever since being drifted away by a stream at a young age, Lao Er has been adopted by the Evil Marshall when the nanny found him and his brother at the riverside. Due to his plain innocence and naivety, he trusted the wrong person and 认贼做父, resulting in him having a hand in injuring his biological father, 爹爹. He also became a tyrant as he believed that he was making the Evil Marshall proud, terrorizing civilians everywhere he went along with his brother. Initially, he was not aware that he was gifted with the ability of supernatural hearing and thought only his brother was the talented one. But as time goes by, he started receiving stray info coming from all over the place as his gift manifested and developed. Forthrightly, he went to inform the Evil Marshall about the conversation he heard from the Marshall. Yet at this time still, no one had taken notice of his extraordinary talent and thought he has been eavesdropping on them. Even Lao Er himself did not realize of the capabilities he is able of and just thought that he had been listening to a piercing discussion due to the tranquility of the night. Currently, he and his brother have been isolated from the rest of the brothers due to the fact that both of them have been separated from the rest at birth. But they will soon be assembled as little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
Friday, 14 November 2008
Lao Da – Qian Li Yan

Gifted with the ability of the eagle’s eye, Lao Da has been said to be able to look at things with a wider perspective. Literally it means that Lao Da is the most sensible out of the ten brothers, yet it also meant that he is able to expand his vision to locate his targets miles away from him. Yet, as useful as this skill may seem, it brings along with it a curse as the saying 眼不见为净 goes. Ignorance is bliss but as Lao Da is often burdened with the task of information gathering, it adds on to his sensibility not just due to the fact that he is the eldest brother. According to the records of special abilities, foresight is just one of the many abilities of (邪眼, Jagan), also commonly known as the evil eye. The ability to manifest darkness from the eye and to manipulate its powers for one’s own personal gains has not been a rare sight for many. But due to Lao Da’s sensibility, he is using his ability for the sake of good. Also, his power is considered mild in comparison to the other abilities of Jagan and also with his other brothers’ abilities as it is practically useless in combat. The ability to give other’s nightmare in a single glare and the gathering of the dark forces to give the user invulnerability in battle is also other forms of Jagan.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Da is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Da has felt that he is different from others as he has unusually sharp eyesight yet at times he will suffer from momentarily blindness. But as he grows up at an incredibly abnormal rate, his eye problems did not subside but worsen with each day. Finally, he suffer from permanent blindness, which at the time he thought was what he will continue on for the rest of his life. Worse of all, the local bullies have been giving trouble to his 爹爹 due to the fact that he is unable to pay protection fees to the bullies. Not only that, being the righteous man his 爹爹 is, his 爹爹 stood up to the bullies but got seriously injured instead. Things were looking grim for the family as losing the only breadwinner in the family further worsens the dire situation that they are in. Their financial handicap not only increases by leaps and bounds but the whole family is starving as they do not have any income at all. But regardless of all the difficulties he faced, he continues on to care for his other brothers despite the physical disability he faced at that time. But little did he know that 老天爷 has a different plan for him. He miraculously recovered one day and he discovered that he is able to scan through the whole vicinity of his hometown with incredible speed. Even though Lao Da may seem sensible and caring towards others, he is still innocent at mind and happy to be able to use his ability to help his parents. Things all seem well. For now… Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…