Lao Ba – Dun Di Ba
Controlling the power to vanish instantaneously and reappear in a different location in a short amount of time, Lao Ba has the ability to travel underground. Dissimilar with the rest of the brothers, Lao Ba does not require the empowerment of his body parts to use his skill. He was even considered to be powerless for a considerable amount of time before he accidentally initiated his special talent and created a different dimension beneath the ground. His ability to trek through the floor is not to literally destroy components of the floor but instead to open up a third-world portal existing between the different time zones. He is also able to bring along a significant amount of people along with him but still it all relies on his will whether he allows them to follow him into the gateway or not. As Lao Ba has to run around in circles on the same spot to commence his ability, he will suffer side-effects of giddiness while traveling underground which makes him oblivious to his surroundings. He will then be unable to control his skill with ease, appearing earlier above ground than he had expected which shows his inadequacy with the compatibility of his talent. Lao Ba’s ability is useful in escaping from enemies and traveling through obstacles aboveground. When the day comes when Lao Ba masters his talent, he will be able to journey at will freely underground and prove to be beneficial in helping his brothers in escaping from dire situations.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Lao Ba is the main character.
Ever since young, Lao Ba has been taken notice of by others to be the most average brother. During his brothers’ transformations to become supernatural human beings, only Lao Ba remained normal on the outside. Each brother then gain abilities in comparison to the body parts that they possess which shows off their forte. Lao Ba was actually very disappointed when he thought he was the most normal brother due to him having no exact change on the exterior. But as he loved his brothers very much, he took care of them when they were weak and fragile due to the mutation with tender loving care. On the same exact date, all of the brothers miraculously recovered and gained special powers. Many of the brothers neglected Lao Ba’s concern during the darkest periods of their life and even teased him that he does not own any unique superhuman ability. Due to Lao Ba’s naturally timid personality, he often swallowed down the humiliation forcefully and walked off to help with the family’s chores. Lao Ba cannot be of much help outside as his brothers will often leave him behind as they regard him to be more of a burden without any extraordinary ability. Thus, Lao Ba will stay home to help his mother with the chores including taking care of his other brothers if they were sick or unwell. Though Lao Ba does not explicitly shows it, he wished to be have super powers like the rest of his brothers so that they will regard him to be their equal and not just a burden to them. Heaven will always help those who deserve it. 黄天不负苦心人, Lao Ba discovered his special skill in the nick of time when he tried to save his brothers from a troublesome situation. He was even a casualty of war as he was shot in his leg due to him lagging behind so as to push his brothers to escape further. As the story goes on, the crisis has been stirred as the Evil Marshall has started to initiate the war that will soon befall upon the ten brothers. Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
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