Xiao Shi – Da Ku Shi
Xiao Shi is just like any average cute little boy on the surface, but he has a unique ability, which is the skill to produce a large quantity of water due to his tears each time he cries. Unknown to many of his brothers, Xiao Shi actually possess the ability of foresight as each time a mysterious phenomenon is approaching, Xiao Shi will automatically weep dramatically. Due to his prediction, he has alerted his family many times whenever a certain brother is in a dangerous predicament. Due to the fact that many of his brothers didn’t know about his ability of sensing catastrophe, they often regarded him to be as useless as Lao Ba before they discovered about Lao Ba’s underground traveling skill. Xiao Shi’s skill is thus being underrated as just pure crying and disturbance. It has also been noticed that Xiao Shi has the ability to purify himself as he is able to neutralize the poison in his body by crying dark tears. It is also possible that Xiao Shi’s tears has healing elements within it that can get rid of illnesses and diseases by cleansing the toxics in the body by simply shedding tears along with the venom. The flow of tears will be everlasting if Xiao Shi intentionally sobs for long periods of time, causing large puddles of water everywhere around him that practically deals no harm to others. It might be more of a bother towards them as they will have to clean up after Xiao Shi each time he cries and may also get wet directly if they maintain too close of a contact with him.
From this point on, I will be giving a narrative of another version of 十兄弟 , where Xiao Shi is the main character.
Currently at the age of a small boy, Xiao Shi is the most adored brother by the parents as he is still a child. He is taken care of by both his 娘 and Lao Ba at home as his 爹爹 has to work so as to support the family while the rest of the brothers will help 爹爹 or do errands so as to contribute to the family’s income. Xiao Shi was recruited into the street artiste troupe along with Lao Si for a certain period of time so that they will help reduce the family burden and also learn skills for surviving in the society. But after the cruel ringleader left, the troupe was taken over by the biggest disciple of the ringleader and used as a platform for earning a living. Xiao Shi was then able to live back at home with his family rather back being forced to be stuck in the troupe by the cruel ringleader previously. He was also freed from the cruel ringleader’s malice which he suffered from and cried for many days about. Usually Xiao Shi will just cry for no particular reason by throwing tantrums and he is after all the youngest amongst the brothers. He will then have to be coaxed by his 娘 so that he will regain the innocent smile of his again. Xiao Shi is regarded to be the apple of the family’s eye as all of the brothers treats him extra nicely due to his 天真无邪. His cute personality also brings joy to the people around him except for the times when he cries and causes a disturbance. Currently his brothers are in a tough fight against the Marshall. Things are looking grim for the brothers as their family is broken up due to the betrayal of Lao Er and Lao San. Little did the ten brothers know that trouble is brewing and they will face a crisis very soon… To Be Continued…
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