Qi Si Qi Si Qi Si Ni Ah Qi Si Qi Si Qi Si Ni! Ahahaha. Chinese New Year is arriving soon and the festive celebrations are going to start soon! Let the sad past be washed away by the happy feelings of CNY. This year is the year of the Cow. Moo Moos. Actually there's a story behind the 12 zodiacs' formation. I dunno whether have u heard it somewhere else before but nevertheless, Great Chun shall begin his story telling. Haha
Once Upon a time, the cow and the mouse were best frens. I bet u definitely heard this before. So I fast forward the version that u hear before. Jade Emperor host race. Winner become no.1 of zodiac. Cow let Mouse ride on top of him. Before finish line Mouse jumped infront of Cow. In the end Mouse no.1, Cow no.2. The End. Haha. But there's a different version of this story. Or so I heard. So I shall go back to the part where cow and mouse were best frens. Actually, their relationship aint that close. In fact they kinda hated each other. The Mouse would often irritate the Cow by squeaking noisily at night when the Cow was resting after a hard day's work of ploughing the fields. Naturally the Cow would get annoyed. So Cow decided to get back at Mouse by destroying its rat holes so as to chase him away. Though without a home, Mouse still manages to survive by sleeping at drains or just at corners inside the farmer's kitchen. This routine carried on for a very long time until one day, Cow decided that enough was enough. Cow challenged Mouse to a race and the loser will have to leave the farm once and for all. Not going to take this lying down, Mouse accepted the challenge straight away. Each of them were allowed to bring along 5 frens to help them along the way. Cow's allies were the Rabbit, the Snake, the Goat, the Chicken and the Pig while Mouse's allies were the Tiger, the Dragon, the Horse, the Monkey and the Dog. Both sides were equally reliable as each animal has their own unique capabilities. The Mouse excels in his mental skills, the Cow has persistance in his work, the Tiger has a strong sense of justice, the Rabbit is shy yet meticulous, the Snake is full of wonderful schemes, the Dragon strikes with a awespiring presence, the Horse is fast and agile, the Goat is innocent and happy-going, the Monkey is business-orientated, the Chicken is kind and full of warmth, the Dog is full of benevolence and last but not least, the Pig is lazy yet strong of its own beliefs(currently unknown).After this long-winded introduction of the animals, the race is finally begining. Little did the animals know that there was more at stake then it meets the eye...
As the story happened quite some time ago, it was the new era of the Jade Emperor's rule as he had just triumhed over the Supreme celestial ruler's dynasty. As the saying goes, whenever there's a new ruler, there will be a revolution in the rules and regulations of the territory to prove worthy of the monarch. As well, Jade Emperor owns the whole universe, he is pretty much quite the awesome being himself. Being a ruler who cares for his people, he is frustrated as the civilians couldn't even know how to count the days as it passes. This would mean that there will be no improvement as the people are senseless in not even knowing what date it is. Just then, he saw the group of animals fighting in the courtyard. He got an idea and he decided that these 12 animals will be representing each year in counting and then when the whole cycle is over it will repeat itself. The placing of the animals will be depending on the outcome of the race. And now, officially the race begins, each animal will be battling it out for the first place for either their friend Mouse or Cow.
Dragon, with his special ability to fly, easily overtook all the 11 animals with he flew off furiously. Pig, instead became the first animal to give up after taking a few steps. He then fell asleep, ignoring the rest of his allies' pleas and calls. Tiger and Horse were two of the fastest land animals and they too also blast off pretty quick. Things were looking pretty good for Mouse's team as it consists of several fast and mighty animals. Just then, Cow gave a warcry. It turns out that before the race, Cow's team have pretty much set up traps all over the track. Boulders and rocks were suddenly aimed at Dragon, injuring most parts of his body. He came crashing down and gave a thunderous roar before passing out. Tiger and Horse were caught in mud traps and their speed was slowed down greatly. Cow gave a snigger to himself and happily walk off. Turns out a couple of Cow's teammates are actually quite timid in nature so they were feeling uneasy. Tiger's death threats were so horrific that chicken and goat passed out. In the end Rabbit decided to rescue Tiger as she was the most cowardice of them all. Miraculouly, Tiger not only decided not to eat up Rabbit but he also told Rabbit that he is in her debt. He decided to carry her to the finish line. Just as the other animals were also scheming and harming each other, Mouse and Cow were actually far ahead as the only purpose in their mind was to win the race. As they approaches the finish line, they found out that all this time their quarrels were pointless.. There was actually another bigger and nicer empty Farm at the other side of the town. Yet because of them constantly spending time disturbing each other they missed out the opportunity to see the better things in life. Cow silently lift up Mouse and threw him over the finish line. " Game Over. U win." Cow said to Mouse. Actually no matter how much Cow was being annoyed by Mouse, he was still quite bonded to Mouse. And so he decided to let Mouse win the race because he thinks Mouse deserves a better place to live in. Mouse was so touched that he told Cow his decision. " Why dun u move and live together with me old fren? Without u constantly destroying my rat holes I couldnt have kept myself fit and adaptable." Jade Emperor was so moved when he saw this that he decided to record down this story and pass it on to the future generations. But because he only saw the ending, he thought that both Cow and Mouse were intially best of frens. Thats why he accidentally remodelled the story by spreading the earlier version. Cow and Mouse Fren. Cow carry Mouse. Mouse jumped off first. Mouse win no.1, Cow win no.2. What happened to the rest of the animals? Tiger got third and Rabbit got fourth with Tiger's help. After resting for awhile, Dragon has enough strength to make it till the end so he got fifth. Snake is a silent killer as she quietly slitther past to the end. Even though slowed down tremendously, Horse still got seventh. As Goat was the larger of the two animals, after recovering from the shock it slowly stode pass the finish line. Monkey was busy eating the whole time that he forgotten the time. By the time he got there he got ninth. Chicken then came along with tenth. Dog was very loyal the whole time and stayed at the start with Pig. He had misheard the order as "sit" instead of "start". By the time he realised his mistake he was already eleventh. Pig just rolled in clumsily after his sleep. And this concludes the ending of the 12 zodiac story. Haha. I shall conclude this post with many pictures of CNY related stuff. Enjoy!

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