1. Comedian. Yes. I want to be funny. I like to be funny. I am funny. But the thing is, many times some sha zi who dun appreciate the funny things that I am capable of say that I am lame. Thats right. There's a fellow competitor whos fighting with me for the job on being a comedian. So far the jokes that she made are kinda dumb but usually I juz laughed to give her mian zi. Occasionally she makes hilarious statements though so she does have the potential. But she usually crushed me cool jokes by calling me lame. I usually think that its her ulterior motive to make me lose confidence so she can win by default in being the no.1 comedian. Well. She is WRONG. I will never give up! Even being called lame a million times will not only set me back but give me a super power boost! Btw, Maybelline, u are truely funny. Would u consider giving up being a psychologist and be a comedian? The idea alone will sell alr coz u can go on the sha zi style of humour. No matter, dun let ur talents go to waste! ^_^

2. Translator. Yes. I know many languages. And currently is learning MORE languages. Even though half of the languages that I know are dialects or some language that I created myself, I can say Im a very accomplished linguist. I know Chinese, English, Singlish, Cantonese, Hokkien, Japanese, Malay, Korean, Thai, Sinhalese, Tamil, Hindi, French and many more. Okok I admit. Half of these are lies. But its to make an impression on my resume ok? Other than the first three, the third one which Im not so proud of, the rest is just passable or barely understooded. So, this dream of mine is still a long long way. Btw, Maybelline, I still think Malay aint that useful. Would u consider learning another language? Perhaps Cambodian or something?

3. Power Ranger. Or Domo-Kun. Whichever comes first. Yes. I wanna be in the suit. Ok thats kinda dumb. Nvm. I can do voices for animation characters. I love watching cartoons myself so I would rather watch the show with my voice. Because some of the dubbing of the show really stinks. Its like watching Doraemon in English. The characters are talking nonsense man. Like, "Nobita, where is Doraemon? I have an emergency situation that I need to inform him of" Yes. Reading this out may seem normal. Imagine hearing a squeaky heavy american accent voice coming out of Pang Hu's mouth. Weird huh? If its me Ill say," Eh Da Xiong, Find Me Doraemon Right Now Hor." Of Coz Im not Pang Hu if thats what ur thinking.. Im not... IM NOT OK! STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT THIS INSTANCE! Hururururu!

4. Instrumentalist or Musical Related Industry. Yes. I do know a few musical instruments and IM NOT AFRAID TO FLAUNT MY TALENTS IF REQUIRED! Actually I dun realli know that many musical instuments... My best is perhaps the recorder and the tramboline. Quited Violin a few years back. I think my fingers are stiff already so I cant do the reberato that well. It means the "Dou Yin" in the melody to make it seem like u are pro level. I've done a few of my own melodies on the recorder. Like twinkle twinkle little star. If Mozart havent invented that a few hundreds year back then I would have caused an uproar in the world of music. O well.

5. Food Related. Yea. My favourite job. Whether is it from the preparation, to the introduction, to the eating. Woohoo. But nowadays nice food are hard to find. Maybe its because people are too used to eating horrible foods.. So I need to save the world from horrible foods. For example the food in tpjc needs to get revolutionised. Its horrible. The paus are stale. The rice is hard or soggy. The vegetables are raw. No wonder I didnt eat breakfast anymore. I used to LOVE breakfast. Hai. Hope some improvements are made or Im gonna starved... Haha. but still one day have to eat back so maybe need to start eating the "Nan Chi" food already...

Ok. Thats about all the jobs that I wanted to do in future. Other than president or senator which seems a little bit unrealistic. But according to the survey the results are that other than producing, Im suitable to be an Art Teacher Or a Jewellry Designer... Hell no man. Ok I may love to scribble occasionally but thats just fun to do during boring times. I know maybe my scribbles may be worth lots of moneys to people but still I used to find my Art Teacher boring like mad. So Im not considering being a Art Teacher and boring future students and repeat the vicious cycle. Regarding the Jewellry designing, I dun really seems to be interested. Well maybe I find gems appealing. Rubies, Opal, Diamond, Jade, Emerald, Ameythst, Sapphire, Crystals and many more. Its just that humans like shiny stuff. But cutting a rock aint fun. And it sounds kinda gay.. Which I am not of course. Haha.
I shall end this post with a cool photo of the things that assemble our thoughts and spelt it out in many different combinations. Words.

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