Friday 20 November 2009

Promotion Criteria - Cleared

Yup. Finally. After one year and 11 months, I am officially promoted. In this biased and fucked-up world, prejudice predominantly lurks around every single dirty alley u see. I am practically picked upon. Be it my classmates, my teachers, my parents, or even myself. I hate myself. What went wrong? I often ask. Why did things turn out this way? I wanted to be nice. To be a fucking nice dude who just hangs around with a few good friends he can deem trustworthy enough to maintain the friendship for a lifetime. Am I so screwed up? Why is it that every time I try to make people happy, they find it amusing to make me the victim of their crap talk? They are fucking selfish, inconsiderate assholes who only think of themselves. Lets call this person A, this combined fellow who comprises of all the fucked-up attitudes everyone has. He doesn't plays by the rules. He gets piss off if he loses a game, and fucking brags if he wins a game. When people tries to console him when he's feeling down, he gives a fucked up attitude back. He tries advising people with trash. He's has practically no life due to his over-reliance on the computer, literally his wife. He likes hanging around these bunch of dudes who are practically as selfish as a bastard as himself, thinking that he has so-called friends who care for him. But it is just a dream, a fucked-up void in his fucked-up mind. I often wonder, will person A survive in this world? This devastating thought is provoking me as though a thorn pierced through my flesh. It does not kill, yet the pain is excruciating enough to fuck u up. Then Im enlightened. Person A is just the definition of a human being. Everyone is selfish, believe it or not. A person who claims he/she is not selfish and tries to help others is basically more selfish than the average person A. He/she denies the person he/she is helping to help themselves, creating a over-reliability status that may lead to more disastrous effects in the future. Life is unfair. Thats what makes life... Life.
Person A/Sha Zi

Sunday 15 November 2009

Life Goes On...

Hmm... Its been what? 8 months? 9 months? I've seriously lost count... Haha. It used to hurt alot. Yea. I was rather miserable. Each day goes by as I watch her, slowly drifting away... From close friends, to friends, to classmates, to acquaintances, to strangers... This process may be perceive as long but miserably its practically like what? 2 months? Lol. Yea. Laugh Out Loud. I cant believe Im actually laughing again. This nostalgic feeling of insecurity that I had felt in the past. Maybe this was a joke all along. We belong in two different worlds. Totally. Im easily agitated, frustrated, miserable, crude, unfriendly, spiteful, a total mixture of vices and cons. But Helpful,Kind,Happy,Calm,Pretty, a total angel. Sometimes I ask myself in the middle of the night. What went wrong? Was I too repulsive? Was it her hateful friends that results in the tear with our friendship? Nah. I can blame the world. But it was me all along. I was too aggressive. Jealousy got the better of me. But for what? If I didnt harshly reacted back then, would things might have been different? Maybe... But I will never know... Life is like a pack of chocolates. At first, the sweetening taste may lift you off to seven heaven. But alas. All things comes with a price. With labour, comes results. With crime, comes punishment. All things revolves around cause and effect. The sweeter it is, the after-effect of bitterness lingering around will just strike back just as hard. I still... love her.
The Faithful ShaZi.

Saturday 7 February 2009


Suddenly, I have the urge to write some philosophical sayings. Here it goes. Its kinda mediocre so dun laugh at me.

Without roots, unable to support the burden weighing on its back..
Without trunk, unable to withstand hardship from the harsh climates..
Without twigs, unable to spread out and embrace the world..
Without fruits, unable to share the sweetness of success..
Without seeds, unable to extend the timeline of the trees..
Without leaves, unable to survive from the lack of nutrition..

Human beings are like trees. The roots are wisdom as only reasonable thinking and intellect can help one release the mental stress one has accumulated over time. The trunk is endurance as only tolerance will get u far in life. The twigs are benevolence as only acceptance can bring world peace. The fruits are hard work as only by thriving on with determination can one enjoy the fruits of success. The seeds are kindness as only care and concern for others will ensure a happy life. The leaves are the survival instinct input in one as living in a world where survival of the fittest is the way, only constantly upgrading one's mindset can one be prepared for the future.

Thats about all. I think maybe it doesnt make sense at all to u. Haha.

I read about a comic today. I felt really touched by the characters. I think I can put a few pages of the comic here.

Well. The world is often infested by many evils. As the saying goes, 一种米养百种人. Yet we cannot forget the existence of the good people that are silently doing the right thing. I dare not say that I am a good person but I am working hard towards achieving this goal. Hope for the best...

Sha Zi.

Thursday 5 February 2009


Recently, I have been rather interested in Confucius Sayings.
-Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.
-Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
-Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
-Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.
-Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.
-Respect yourself and others will respect you.
-To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness.
-To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage.
-What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.
-When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.
-Have no friends not equal to yourself.
-Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

Am I wrong? Salvation is there for those who seeks it. Repent and the light that was once shrouded by darkness will appear so bright and warmth. I just want everyone to be happy...

Sha Zi

Saturday 31 January 2009

1st of Feb 2009

Time flies really fast. A few years I was still having fun in Victoria School, playing with my friends and classmates and everyday was joyful and stressfree. Looking back I really missed those days. But yet on the brighter side, my current situation is also not as bad as it seems. Made many great friends... and foes. Haha. Life is like this. There are two extreme sides to it. U can either hate or u can like. But to accept a person for who that person is may be an easy task or a extremely difficult decision. For me, I prefer not to be hated because I dun like that feeling. But things do not always goes as planned as life is unpredictable as a game of chess. Each decision a person make may affect another person's life or so it seems. It is the butterfly effect. If maybe for example I was more hardworking and I got 6 points for my O levels. Will I be leading a totally different life? Will I be studying hard for my A levels now? But is that what I truely wanted for myself? Maybe the very reason that I didnt do well for my O levels is because of my laziness and also its part of my personality. People know me for being lazy. If perhaps Im not lazy, then I wouldnt be the Chun How people know me as. I will be a totally different person to them. Maybe they will not even bother to befriend me in the first place then. Recently I have been thinking about karma. Do not do unto others if you do not want others to do unto you. Because of what you do today, maybe u may suffer the consequences of it at a later time. Maybe its tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next month. Or the next year. Regardless, it will come back to haunt you one day as no matter what seeds u sow, it will eventually grow into a tree. The worse ever situation is that maybe your friends and family will instead suffer because of the wrongdoings that you did.

My wish for 2009 is that I will be a better person. In terms of whatever reason, I can be more understanding and acceptable of my surroundings. I will not let anyone suffer because of what I do. Instead, I will bring joy to them and let them leave happier before they even come. So I would like to thank a couple of people. My parents. No matter how stingy they may be, they still brought me to this world. Haha. I would like to thank all the people I know in VS. They really gave me lots of fun during the days that I know them even to this day. I would like to thank 08s26. Even though the time we spend together was very short, it was still a memorable and significant period to me. Its like why didnt I get to know u guys earlier? I would like to understand everyone of you better as all of you are great companions. Individually I would like to thank Yuna and Sha Zi. Both of u gave me alot of encouragement even when I was down or sad. Especially Sha Zi. Thanks for not giving up on me. I will change. I will be a better person. O ya. Hope our PW can all get A's! Thats the most significant thing this year. And also for me and Sha Zi and the rest of the retainees to pass our promos this year. We can achieved! Finally, Happy Birthday Chun!

Friday 23 January 2009

CNY Post!!!

Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni Ah Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni!
Qi Si Qi Si Qi Si Ni Ah Qi Si Qi Si Qi Si Ni! Ahahaha. Chinese New Year is arriving soon and the festive celebrations are going to start soon! Let the sad past be washed away by the happy feelings of CNY. This year is the year of the Cow. Moo Moos. Actually there's a story behind the 12 zodiacs' formation. I dunno whether have u heard it somewhere else before but nevertheless, Great Chun shall begin his story telling. Haha

Once Upon a time, the cow and the mouse were best frens. I bet u definitely heard this before. So I fast forward the version that u hear before. Jade Emperor host race. Winner become no.1 of zodiac. Cow let Mouse ride on top of him. Before finish line Mouse jumped infront of Cow. In the end Mouse no.1, Cow no.2. The End. Haha. But there's a different version of this story. Or so I heard. So I shall go back to the part where cow and mouse were best frens. Actually, their relationship aint that close. In fact they kinda hated each other. The Mouse would often irritate the Cow by squeaking noisily at night when the Cow was resting after a hard day's work of ploughing the fields. Naturally the Cow would get annoyed. So Cow decided to get back at Mouse by destroying its rat holes so as to chase him away. Though without a home, Mouse still manages to survive by sleeping at drains or just at corners inside the farmer's kitchen. This routine carried on for a very long time until one day, Cow decided that enough was enough. Cow challenged Mouse to a race and the loser will have to leave the farm once and for all. Not going to take this lying down, Mouse accepted the challenge straight away. Each of them were allowed to bring along 5 frens to help them along the way. Cow's allies were the Rabbit, the Snake, the Goat, the Chicken and the Pig while Mouse's allies were the Tiger, the Dragon, the Horse, the Monkey and the Dog. Both sides were equally reliable as each animal has their own unique capabilities. The Mouse excels in his mental skills, the Cow has persistance in his work, the Tiger has a strong sense of justice, the Rabbit is shy yet meticulous, the Snake is full of wonderful schemes, the Dragon strikes with a awespiring presence, the Horse is fast and agile, the Goat is innocent and happy-going, the Monkey is business-orientated, the Chicken is kind and full of warmth, the Dog is full of benevolence and last but not least, the Pig is lazy yet strong of its own beliefs(currently unknown).After this long-winded introduction of the animals, the race is finally begining. Little did the animals know that there was more at stake then it meets the eye...

As the story happened quite some time ago, it was the new era of the Jade Emperor's rule as he had just triumhed over the Supreme celestial ruler's dynasty. As the saying goes, whenever there's a new ruler, there will be a revolution in the rules and regulations of the territory to prove worthy of the monarch. As well, Jade Emperor owns the whole universe, he is pretty much quite the awesome being himself. Being a ruler who cares for his people, he is frustrated as the civilians couldn't even know how to count the days as it passes. This would mean that there will be no improvement as the people are senseless in not even knowing what date it is. Just then, he saw the group of animals fighting in the courtyard. He got an idea and he decided that these 12 animals will be representing each year in counting and then when the whole cycle is over it will repeat itself. The placing of the animals will be depending on the outcome of the race. And now, officially the race begins, each animal will be battling it out for the first place for either their friend Mouse or Cow.

Dragon, with his special ability to fly, easily overtook all the 11 animals with he flew off furiously. Pig, instead became the first animal to give up after taking a few steps. He then fell asleep, ignoring the rest of his allies' pleas and calls. Tiger and Horse were two of the fastest land animals and they too also blast off pretty quick. Things were looking pretty good for Mouse's team as it consists of several fast and mighty animals. Just then, Cow gave a warcry. It turns out that before the race, Cow's team have pretty much set up traps all over the track. Boulders and rocks were suddenly aimed at Dragon, injuring most parts of his body. He came crashing down and gave a thunderous roar before passing out. Tiger and Horse were caught in mud traps and their speed was slowed down greatly. Cow gave a snigger to himself and happily walk off. Turns out a couple of Cow's teammates are actually quite timid in nature so they were feeling uneasy. Tiger's death threats were so horrific that chicken and goat passed out. In the end Rabbit decided to rescue Tiger as she was the most cowardice of them all. Miraculouly, Tiger not only decided not to eat up Rabbit but he also told Rabbit that he is in her debt. He decided to carry her to the finish line. Just as the other animals were also scheming and harming each other, Mouse and Cow were actually far ahead as the only purpose in their mind was to win the race. As they approaches the finish line, they found out that all this time their quarrels were pointless.. There was actually another bigger and nicer empty Farm at the other side of the town. Yet because of them constantly spending time disturbing each other they missed out the opportunity to see the better things in life. Cow silently lift up Mouse and threw him over the finish line. " Game Over. U win." Cow said to Mouse. Actually no matter how much Cow was being annoyed by Mouse, he was still quite bonded to Mouse. And so he decided to let Mouse win the race because he thinks Mouse deserves a better place to live in. Mouse was so touched that he told Cow his decision. " Why dun u move and live together with me old fren? Without u constantly destroying my rat holes I couldnt have kept myself fit and adaptable." Jade Emperor was so moved when he saw this that he decided to record down this story and pass it on to the future generations. But because he only saw the ending, he thought that both Cow and Mouse were intially best of frens. Thats why he accidentally remodelled the story by spreading the earlier version. Cow and Mouse Fren. Cow carry Mouse. Mouse jumped off first. Mouse win no.1, Cow win no.2. What happened to the rest of the animals? Tiger got third and Rabbit got fourth with Tiger's help. After resting for awhile, Dragon has enough strength to make it till the end so he got fifth. Snake is a silent killer as she quietly slitther past to the end. Even though slowed down tremendously, Horse still got seventh. As Goat was the larger of the two animals, after recovering from the shock it slowly stode pass the finish line. Monkey was busy eating the whole time that he forgotten the time. By the time he got there he got ninth. Chicken then came along with tenth. Dog was very loyal the whole time and stayed at the start with Pig. He had misheard the order as "sit" instead of "start". By the time he realised his mistake he was already eleventh. Pig just rolled in clumsily after his sleep. And this concludes the ending of the 12 zodiac story. Haha. I shall conclude this post with many pictures of CNY related stuff. Enjoy!

Thursday 22 January 2009

Pouring out my soul.

Hey. I wonder will u actually be even wasting ur time by reading this post that Im writing. But still if I dun get it out of my mind Im gonna drive myself crazy. Im feeling very miserable... I know that often u may jokingly say that U hate me. But the feeling of being really hated by u is really a horrid feeling. I dun like it a single bit. I would rather that u scold me or even call me sha zi rather than just giving me the cold shoulder. Now I get how u feel when I gave u the cold shoulder last time. Right here I would like to apologize to u and I will like to confess that actually I wanted to talk to u. But U juz seem kinda happy chatting with the others and as time goes by I juz silently sit there and it may appear to u that I might seem unhappy or even emo-ing. These few days I didnt mean to ignore u a single bit. I wanted to walk up and say HI loudly like I used to in the past but I was afraid that u may ignore me or just shrugged off. Each time I went up to talk to u I juz feel that u seem kinda cold to me becoz u will juz either intentionally or accidentally ignored my existence. As the days goes by I have become afraid of being rejected by u that I totally juz fade out. If seeing my very existence pains u a little bit I dun mind even being invisible to u. I juz wished that we could go back to the PW days when I will occasionally do something stupid and u will laugh like crazy. I realli dunno whether is it that U have changed or I have changed. I have given myself many reasons why are u hating me. U may say that u are tired but I can feel that's not the complete reason. Perhaps its my attitude or just me. Maybe U have tolerated me long enough and u juz think that its time I should juz get out of ur life. Regardless of anything u do, as long as it makes u happy I dun mind that u hate me or ignore me or anything. I juz hope that this year will be the year for u to make a difference for urself in ur life becoz u used to be too timid to try alot of things. I hope that maybe u can be more daring in facing new challenges and overcoming them. I know that this year U will definitely lead it to ur fullest. Hope that u can always stay happy and healthy for the whole year or even ur whole life. Its been a long time since I've seen u smile honestly..
PS: I just wished that things can be as happy as they used to be... I want a happy ending for once...
Sha Zi..

Friday 16 January 2009

Confessions From A Nice Guy.

Being a nice guy requires alot of effort and hardwork to maintain his image.
Any form of slacking down in being joyful will result in the shattering of his reputation as people will start to question is his personality being faked?
Thus, behind a nice guy's happy character he is often overburdened with many troubled thoughts. The stress of bringing happiness in everywhere he goes will result in multiple personalities surfacing as he often asks for perfection in everywhere he goes in bringing out the maximum potential of a laughing point. Often, he is misunderstood for being unhappy when sometimes he is just concentrating his thoughts so as to better perform next time for others. Honestly, this nice guy is just as nice as he was from the first day he was known to others. Lets give him a name. Lets call this nice guy Sha Zi. Hmm... The story of Sha Zi goes like this...

One Fine Day, Sha Zi... Ok that was a bad opening. How about we jumped straight into the climax? Ok. Sha Zi may appeared to be happy on the outside but is he really happy? But when Sha Zi appears to be cold on the outside is he necessarily sad? I often get this point confused too. Is being happy a feeling u get when others are happy? But when others are happy they may get happiness from ur misery... Yet are u still supposed to be happy? How about if when u are happy on the inside but not really expressing it on the outside then is that considered true happiness? People who are actually happy may start to get worried when they see that u are not realli showing any happiness. Then they start to get sad. But the whole point of it is that are u actually want them to be happy. But when they get worried about u and ask u to be happy, how can u actually be happy when they are not happy themselves? The concept of true happiness is realli hard to grapsed. Sha Zi has been chasing after this form of knowlegde for a very long time now. Is he walking around in circles? Or has he reached a dead end? Or actually it has been a open road all the time yet his vision has been blind by society's influence? Will Sha Zi reached the goal in the end? Or will he be continuously chasing after a dream?

Spread love everywhere u go. Let no one ever come to u without leaving happier. Is this saying as meaningful as it seems? Does it mean that by exhausting urself to the extreme so that others can feel happiness? Then that it mean that u urself has to be happy in the end or it doesnt matters? Do u take the initiative to make others happy or do u let them come to u and entertained them? At the sake of ur expense or do u join in the fun with them? But if u join in the fun does it mean that the people have to be happier than u? Or do u have to be equally happy? Or perhaps u have to be happier than them so that u can have enough happiness to spread to them? How happy can a person be exactly? Maybe the person may appear to be happy to see u but actually they are not? Or maybe after spending time they lose their initial happiness to meet u? Maybe they might even get repulsive feelings?

There's a saying I saw on tv that as long as there is internal happiness within u, the people around u will get influenced by ur exciting vibes. Thus, the requirement for Sha Zi to bring happiness to others, he has to be overwhelmed with positivity. But each time he brings happiness to others he may get a fatigue feeling. But he is content and satisfied. Because at least for that day, he has made his friends feel happiness. It is hard. But Sha Zi is trying his best to constantly retain the happiness within him. Sure there are days that he may appear down or unhappy but u have to understand that he is only just human and he too feels sadness like the rest of us. I hope that perhaps u can understand that Sha Zi isnt really being unfriendly. He is just weird. Sometimes he also needs people to bring happiness to him. Lets cheer for Sha Zi and his glorious efforts!

Thursday 15 January 2009

Who Should I Be In Future?

Hey Hey Hey. Today's post is about the future! Or so it may seems to be. The occupation most suitable for me is to be a Producer-whatever. Means I can produce anything I want! But I have checked the salary. It says. $1800-$3800. That is seriously so little... In this modern and competitive society, a talent like me should not be wasted in doing something so tiring and low-paid. And So, I have further expanded my choices.

1. Comedian. Yes. I want to be funny. I like to be funny. I am funny. But the thing is, many times some sha zi who dun appreciate the funny things that I am capable of say that I am lame. Thats right. There's a fellow competitor whos fighting with me for the job on being a comedian. So far the jokes that she made are kinda dumb but usually I juz laughed to give her mian zi. Occasionally she makes hilarious statements though so she does have the potential. But she usually crushed me cool jokes by calling me lame. I usually think that its her ulterior motive to make me lose confidence so she can win by default in being the no.1 comedian. Well. She is WRONG. I will never give up! Even being called lame a million times will not only set me back but give me a super power boost! Btw, Maybelline, u are truely funny. Would u consider giving up being a psychologist and be a comedian? The idea alone will sell alr coz u can go on the sha zi style of humour. No matter, dun let ur talents go to waste! ^_^

2. Translator. Yes. I know many languages. And currently is learning MORE languages. Even though half of the languages that I know are dialects or some language that I created myself, I can say Im a very accomplished linguist. I know Chinese, English, Singlish, Cantonese, Hokkien, Japanese, Malay, Korean, Thai, Sinhalese, Tamil, Hindi, French and many more. Okok I admit. Half of these are lies. But its to make an impression on my resume ok? Other than the first three, the third one which Im not so proud of, the rest is just passable or barely understooded. So, this dream of mine is still a long long way. Btw, Maybelline, I still think Malay aint that useful. Would u consider learning another language? Perhaps Cambodian or something?

3. Power Ranger. Or Domo-Kun. Whichever comes first. Yes. I wanna be in the suit. Ok thats kinda dumb. Nvm. I can do voices for animation characters. I love watching cartoons myself so I would rather watch the show with my voice. Because some of the dubbing of the show really stinks. Its like watching Doraemon in English. The characters are talking nonsense man. Like, "Nobita, where is Doraemon? I have an emergency situation that I need to inform him of" Yes. Reading this out may seem normal. Imagine hearing a squeaky heavy american accent voice coming out of Pang Hu's mouth. Weird huh? If its me Ill say," Eh Da Xiong, Find Me Doraemon Right Now Hor." Of Coz Im not Pang Hu if thats what ur thinking.. Im not... IM NOT OK! STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT THIS INSTANCE! Hururururu!

4. Instrumentalist or Musical Related Industry. Yes. I do know a few musical instruments and IM NOT AFRAID TO FLAUNT MY TALENTS IF REQUIRED! Actually I dun realli know that many musical instuments... My best is perhaps the recorder and the tramboline. Quited Violin a few years back. I think my fingers are stiff already so I cant do the reberato that well. It means the "Dou Yin" in the melody to make it seem like u are pro level. I've done a few of my own melodies on the recorder. Like twinkle twinkle little star. If Mozart havent invented that a few hundreds year back then I would have caused an uproar in the world of music. O well.

5. Food Related. Yea. My favourite job. Whether is it from the preparation, to the introduction, to the eating. Woohoo. But nowadays nice food are hard to find. Maybe its because people are too used to eating horrible foods.. So I need to save the world from horrible foods. For example the food in tpjc needs to get revolutionised. Its horrible. The paus are stale. The rice is hard or soggy. The vegetables are raw. No wonder I didnt eat breakfast anymore. I used to LOVE breakfast. Hai. Hope some improvements are made or Im gonna starved... Haha. but still one day have to eat back so maybe need to start eating the "Nan Chi" food already...

Ok. Thats about all the jobs that I wanted to do in future. Other than president or senator which seems a little bit unrealistic. But according to the survey the results are that other than producing, Im suitable to be an Art Teacher Or a Jewellry Designer... Hell no man. Ok I may love to scribble occasionally but thats just fun to do during boring times. I know maybe my scribbles may be worth lots of moneys to people but still I used to find my Art Teacher boring like mad. So Im not considering being a Art Teacher and boring future students and repeat the vicious cycle. Regarding the Jewellry designing, I dun really seems to be interested. Well maybe I find gems appealing. Rubies, Opal, Diamond, Jade, Emerald, Ameythst, Sapphire, Crystals and many more. Its just that humans like shiny stuff. But cutting a rock aint fun. And it sounds kinda gay.. Which I am not of course. Haha.

I shall end this post with a cool photo of the things that assemble our thoughts and spelt it out in many different combinations. Words.

Monday 12 January 2009

Blog officially revived!!!

Hey. Its been awhile since I have posted. I think maybe I shall start writing about fun stuffs. Do u know whether the North Pole Or the South Pole is colder? Have a guess... Hmmm... Based on what I know of u, your answer is probably... I dunno. Well let me tell u about the answer! The coldest place in the world is Antarctica, the continent buried under all that snow and ice at the south pole. The coldest atmospheric temperature ever recorded there (or anywhere else on earth) was -89.6 degrees Celsius (-128.5 degrees Fahrenheit) at Vostok, Antarctica on July 21st, 1983. Hahaha. Now let me ask u again. Where is the hottest place on Earth? Singapore is hot but maybe compared to this place its like winter!The Hottest Place on Earth ever recorded was El Azizia in Libya where the temperature reached a scorching 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on Sept. 13, 1922 -- the hottest ever measured.

The second hottest place recorded on earth was in Death Valley, California, USA, where it got up to 134 Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on July 10, 1913.

Dallol, Ethiopia, is the warmest place on earth with an average yearly ambient surface air temperature of 307.55 kelvin (34.4°C = 93.92°F).

Kk. This are just fun facts. Hope they aint boring u. Now let me tell u something more fun! Who was the first disney princess? Take a guess... Cinderella? No. Its... Drum Rolls... Ta dah ta dah!!! Snow White! The famous 1937 Disney animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In the Disney version, Snow White wakes from her enchanted sleep as soon as the Prince kisses her, copied by Sleeping Beauty. Furthermore, the prince and Snow White have met prior to her enchanted sleep, so that he has fallen in love with the awake rather than the sleeping princess, an unusual variation in the Snow White tales. This version is perhaps the most well-known version of the story, and is a classic of the cinema. A sequel was made by Filmation Studios in 1988 and released theatrically in 1993, was called "Happily Ever After". However this sequel, which obviously had completely different animation, also introduced several new characters, including the Seven Dwarves cousins the Dwarf-Elves, which each had a special power. The plot also introduced the queen's brother, Lord Malis, who wanted revenge on Snow White for killing his sister.

Another interesting question. When was Domo Kun created?! Take a guess. No... Its not disgusting... Hey... Show some respect for him ok? At least take a guess... Kk I know u dunno. Here's the answer! It was created in the year 2006! Domo, the main character, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg." [5] Domo's favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, due to an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate via producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him. Domo-kun is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset. [5]

Domo lives in an underground cave with Mr. Usaji [6] [5], known in Japanese-language versions as Usajii (うさじい, Usajii?), a portmanteau of the words usagi (うさぎ, usagi?), (rabbit), and jii (じい, jii?) (old man, grandpa). Mr. Usaji is a wise old rabbit who loves to watch television and drink astringent green tea. Mr. Usaji is not into any "new" materials, and does not own a telephone. In terms of fashion, Mr. Usaji focuses on materials instead of shapes. Mr. Usaji's favorite food is carrots, and his least favorite food is "something that is meaningless."

Yea. I feel accomplished. Time for some "lame" jokes that u love.




Hahaha. Here's another one.


A:=2 你答对了!!!

Kk enough of the dumb jokes. Just wanna tell u. Have fun these few days. Dun worry too much. Everything's gonna be alright. And comment more on the chatbox. I miss ur comments... Wahahahahahahha!!! See u in school! I really wanna be group leader...
Shi Xiong Di-Theme Song -